Friday, November 30, 2007

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Church Opening

I was able to attend one of our church openings yesterday, it was a real blessing to be a part of. Here is a little video of the children's choir and some practicing outside.

Please continue to pray for the Christians of Sudan as they face many difficulties, pray that this new church would not just be a building but would be a place of hope and light in a world of darkness.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The last rain

In a few weeks I will be heading off for R&R, I am looking forward to the time away. Life in Nuba is good but it is also nice to have a break; have some good food and cooler weather. Things have been going okay here. The rain is ending, we had a nice heavy rain a few days ago, just enough to settle the dust, but it looks like it will be pretty dry from now on. It is fairly warm here, with it getting up to 100-110 in the daytime but this is the cool season and it will get warmer.

The work is going well. Everyday we face difficulties but we are moving forward. There was accident the other day up here but no one was hurt and we are sorting through the political quagmire. Our region continues to be in flux and doubt as the political powers 'discuss' how to settle things. Still one of the main issues is the oil around here and where the boundaries should lie. It has been peaceful here, that is truly a blessing; there have been too many years of war and too much suffering. Please continue to pray for the Christians in this area of the world as many continue to face persecution; homes destroyed, walking 45 days with little food or water, being shot, set on fire, chased from ones home while everything they own is set a blaze. As Thanksgiving comes next week, may we remember God's faithfulness, provision and salvation.

He has showed you, O man, what is good.
And what does the LORD require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God.
Micah 6:8