Well I am here for a week of orientation. Above is a picture of the crew that went through it with me. Two others are headed to Sudan, while the others are headed to South East Asia and El Salvador. It has been a good week but all of us are ready to head out. From left to right it is me, Margeaux (Field Support Unit based in Boone, Josh (headed to Sudan), Terry (Field Support Unit in Boone), Jared (headed to Sudan), Mike (headed to Indonesia), and John and Connie Bowman (John was in Afghanistan with Tera and I for a short time) they are head to El Salvador.
Here is another photo from where we took a little hike at Bass Lake just near Boone.
I hope and pray all of you are doing well. I will write more when I am in Sudan.
Michael and I and our kids are praying for you as you go to Sudan. We prayed for you and Tera often while you were in Afghanistan and we were in Haiti. Now we'll pray for you in Sudan. We care about you a lot because of our friendship with Tera. God's blessings on you. Heidi Pender
hey phil, lets stay in touch. so...sp does orientatin now eh...can only be a good thing. know that i'll be praying for you. let me know if anything specific.
I love the lake picture - looks beautiful there. Good to hear the orientation is going well and that you were able to meet a couple other Sudan folk! Looking forward to the next post!
Yes, looking forward to the next post. It helps to know where you are what to pray for.
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