Friday, November 30, 2007
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Church Opening
Please continue to pray for the Christians of Sudan as they face many difficulties, pray that this new church would not just be a building but would be a place of hope and light in a world of darkness.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
The last rain

In a few weeks I will be heading off for R&R, I am looking forward to the time away. Life in Nuba is good but it is also nice to have a break; have some good food and cooler weather. Things have been going okay here. The rain is ending, we had a nice heavy rain a few days ago, just enough to settle the dust, but it looks like it will be pretty dry from now on. It is fairly warm here, with it getting up to 100-110 in the daytime but this is the cool season and it will get warmer.
The work is going well. Everyday we face difficulties but we are moving forward. There was accident the other day up here but no one was hurt and we are sorting through the political quagmire. Our region continues to be in flux and doubt as the political powers 'discuss' how to settle things. Still one of the main issues is the oil around here and where the boundaries should lie. It has been peaceful here, that is truly a blessing; there have been too many years of war and too much suffering. Please continue to pray for the Christians in this area of the world as many continue to face persecution; homes destroyed, walking 45 days with little food or water, being shot, set on fire, chased from ones home while everything they own is set a blaze. As Thanksgiving comes next week, may we remember God's faithfulness, provision and salvation.
He has showed you, O man, what is good.
And what does the LORD require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God.
Micah 6:8
Sunday, October 21, 2007

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Thursday, September 20, 2007
Friday, September 14, 2007
- Pray for Wisdom as they work: James as the Country Director and Sarah working part time for SP and as a full time mother
- Pray that they would find/develop meaningful relationships with fellow believers
- Pray that the Lord would bless their work and that the gospel would be spread in Ethiopia
- Pray for the believers in Ethiopia, that they may be encouraged and blessed as they face many trials

Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Friday, August 17, 2007
Tension Rises Between North, South Sudan Over Abyei Region
By Nick Wadhams
Nairobi15 August 2007
The government of south Sudan says dialogue with the Sudanese government in Khartoum has completely broken down and a peace deal signed in 2005 is in jeopardy. As Nick Wadhams reports from Nairobi, tension continues to rise over the disputed Abyei region, an area between the two that is rich in oil.Leaders of the Sudanese People's Liberation Army will meet in the southern city of Juba on Friday to try to figure out how to revive the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, a landmark 2005 deal that ended 21years of civil war.But southern officials are warning that they believe the ruling part yin the north, the National Congress Party, is refusing to implement the Comprehensive Peace Agreement. They say they have no desire to resume Africa's longest civil war, but warn that the north may leave them no choice.Of serious concern is the Abyei region, which both sides claim. The Reuters news agency reports that about 30,000 people who had fled the civil war could not return home because of the continued dispute over Abyei.
The southern Sudanese envoy to Kenya, John Andruga Duku, says the north is no longer acting in good faith."The dialog between the SPLM and the National Congress has not produced any result. We have the feeling now that they are using the dialog as a delaying tactic. We will not be the first ones to go back to war but we cannot accept to be pushed around without implementing the CPA. So to start the war, it will require very small mistake here and there. As we speak now, the situation is tense in Abyei and any slight mistake can trigger the situation back to war," he said. The civil war was fought between the largely Christian Sudan People's Liberation Army in the south and the forces of the Sudanese government in the north, which is mostly Muslim. More than 1.5 million people died.
Last month, the United Nations said the north had missed a July 9 deadline to withdraw its troops from some areas of the south. U.N.officials later said that the SPLA had also missed the deadline to withdraw all its troops.Duku warns the failure of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement could threaten efforts to bring peace to the Darfur region, to the west."What is the incentive for factions from Darfur to resolve the issue when they can see that the same government, they are not able to implement what they said they are going to do? So there will be no incentive for the Darfur group to go for agreement with this government," added Duku. Leaders from both north and south say they are also awaiting the results of mediation efforts by Kenya's former president, Daniel Arap Moi, who was appointed envoy for the Sudanese peace process in July. He returned from Khartoum last weekend.A chief mediator in the Sudanese peace talks who is accompanying Moi,Lieutenant General Lazarus Sumbeiywo, says they will visit Juba in September. He tells VOA that it's still far too early to talk about Moi's efforts having succeeded."Until I go there, I don't know, we'll have to get it from Juba, get the version of the south," he said. "We want to see peace prevail in southern Sudan. Peace and prosperity, peace and development, peace and harmony."
According to the peace deal, south Sudan gets six years of autonomy leading up to a referendum in 2011. Its people will then decide whether to secede from Sudan.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Rainy Day
An update on our 20 ton....well we are starting some churches up north around Rumbek and sent it up with supplies. However, there are apparently around 500-700 trucks backed up on the road and our driver is stuck. Once the driver sees there is a blockage, its too late, and more trucks pile in behind to where they can't go forward, or backwards. There are 3 'bad' spots in the road. Here are a couple of photos.

A 4x4 pickup can make it through these but a loaded 20 ton truck has a bit of difficulty. Please pray for wisdom as we try to figure out if we should move locations. Also pray our drivers as they are pretty much stuck. We are sending a pickup to try and find them to bring the food.
These are not our trucks but it is the road they are on...basically it is a river across the road giving the difficulty.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Another Day in Sudan
A truck we hired (10 Ton Lorry) was involved in an accident on Monday. We hired this truck because several other vehicles are down and needed this truck for several weeks work. The driver (Henry) was coming back from Kupera (about an hour and a half away) with a load of supplies and a drunk guy on a bicycle collided with the truck. The driver then stopped to see if he could help. A group gather and beat the driver, stole his money (we had just paid him earlier that day), phone and took his documents. He was then taken to the Yei police station where they called for us to come take him to the hospital. Andrew, Matt B. and I went and got him, took him to a clinic where a doctor gave him some pain meds and such. He was then taken back at our compound and rested. He was badly bruised and shaken up but other wise fine. Henry is from Kenya, and seems to be really great Christian man.
Around 8am the next day I headed out with Allison (interpreter/office assistant) and about 8 police officers to see the scene of the accident and bring the truck back. We arrived around 10am and the ‘investigation’ began. After some measuring and questioning we were ready to drive back with both vehicles. But of course the key to the truck was missing. So we drove to the next town so that the police could use their cell phone and try and track down the key. After going back and forth a few times, they just decided to try and hot wire the truck. They did eventually get it to turn over but alas it did not start. So I called back to base to have our 20 ton come and pull it back. (this was around 11:30). It then turns out that the key for the truck was given to a local guy who was just showing up. He gave the key to his brother (so we went to find him), turns out he gave the key to the brother of the injured man and they were both now in Yei (of course they were)!
Switching to the 20 ton - Just on the out skirts of Yei, the 20 ton stopped along the side of the road for some water before coming out. While stopped there, a motorcycle passed by and hit the back of the truck, breaking a mirror. The driver demanded that we pay for the mirror and anything else that might be wrong. So Matt B. (an expat working with us) joined the 20 ton crew at the police station, while I with the rest of the police, waited hoping it would come. After quite of bit of discussion, Matt was asked to pay $100 reckless driving fine and $100 to fix the mirror. Of course this was all bogus as our vehicle was clearly off the road and stopped but at that point it looked like we were going to need to pay something. Anyway Matt goes outside where my ‘friend’ John (head traffic police man) is sitting. Aloro (our driver) recounts the story and John decides he needs to see the place of the incident.
Well while this is going on, the other traffic police and I decide to head back to Yei, thinking we will see the 20 ton any minute and do not need to stay there. On our way we met Maurice (our engineer), who is headed in that direction, who relates the story of the 20 ton above. Maurice agrees to pick up the most important thing out of the 10 ton, a gen/weld, and then continue on his way. So, I arrive back in Yei just as John and Matt are ready to head off to the other incident. I wait behind and they head down the road with the truck I was driving. After helping the traffic police fix their 35mm camera, Matt arrived back saying the matter was settled. I asked how much we needed to pay, and he said zero!
The way is was settle is a bit strange. Matt and John arrived at the scene looking at the incident, John speaking to the driver of the motorcycle and a few others. Nothing was really said at the scene to Matt. On the way back to the police station (mind you this is only about a ¼ mile) a boy was in the middle of the road with his bicycle acting very strange. John (remember he is the main traffic police guy), jumps out and slaps the boy across the mouth making him bleed. He then throws the boy and his bicycle into the back of our truck and tells Aloro to head to the police station. On arriving there, John says that the matter with us is dropped and then turns his attention to the boy. Needless to say, a very very strange outcome but we all get out of there as quickly as we can to avoid any second thoughts. So we all head back for lunch to try to come up with a new plan as the 10 ton is still out there.
Later that day, I was trying to finish some paper work and ask Matt B. to go back the police station and work on getting the 10 ton back to Yei. He ends up spending 2 hours getting yelled at by John (similar to my first experience with him) and eventually I am called to assist. The room (traffic police office) is very tense as I arrive, every one is a bit upset and the police are not happy. Imagine a 10x10 room with around 10 people in there all angry about something. After listening to some long comments about how horrible we are, I basically agree to their terms of providing care for the injured man even if the accident was not our drivers fault. Believe when I say it is very difficult to sit there and have some one tell lies about you. John loves his power, and if you humble yourself to him he is okay but he can snap in a minute and make your life miserable. Anyway we got out of there around 6pm and were glad to have that behind us.
Around 9:30 that night, I was told that the guy on the bicycled passed away. We were asked to send drivers to go and get the 10 ton immediately as the family may destroy it but luckily the police had already sent some one before we got there. This was good as that meant we did not have to drive at night or put our staff in harms way.
This morning the traffic police and 4 relatives of the family came here to the base to discuss the funeral arrangements. You may think this is strange but for us, like it or not, we will always have some amount of responsibility, whether the incident was our fault or not.
After several hours of discussion and a couple of calls to our Nairobi office an arrangement was agreed upon. It is not saying we were at fault but since we are an outside organization we are expected to pay. I did everything I possibility could to get us a ‘fair’ deal on the matter and to up hold the name of SP. And at this point I think we are in good standing with both the police and with the family.
The hearing date is September 27th. The driver will remain in custody until that date. He is now in the prison which is somewhat nicer then the holding cell. I spoke with him today and he seems to be doing fine.
For the truck, it is now back at the police station in Yei. All of the materials in the truck have been off loaded and are now in our possession.
There has been no issue with the family. I think they were accepting of the funeral arrangements and I left them on good terms. So security wise I think we are fine but we are still trying to be a bit more diligent.
There may have been better solutions but I have done what I could. Please continue to pray for wisdom and safety. If you don’t think this is a spiritual battle, then you are crazy.
If you have made it all the way through this story I congratulate you. If you were able to follow it then I think you should come out here work with us!
A few prayer requests:
- For Henry, the driver, who is in police custody. Jail is not an easy place to be.
- For the court hearing on the 27th.
- For the family of the man killed as they mourn the loss of a loved one
- For me and the team here as we try and work through these difficult issues
- For safety as we move about the country. This could have happened to any of us and with the amount of traveling we do it will most likely happen again
Monday, July 9, 2007
Well last week we held our semiannual staff appreciation day; here is a group photo from the event. Life has been busy here in Yei. We are building churches faster then ever (around 5 per month) and our staff keeps growing. Right now we are building more housing and working on getting more equipment in but as the rains keep coming logistics here becomes more and more of a challenge. My work is to try and keep things running, making sure everyone has what they need to do their job. No more jail visits, although I did have to go down once to talk with one of our staff as he put his wife in the hospital over a domestic dispute. Needless to say he will not be working for me any longer.
- Staff safety as we work and travel
- Wisdom as we try and figure out the many logistical issues
- And as always, for the Christians of Sudan; for the churches being built, that these would not be mere structures we are building but symbols of hope; that many in this land would know our Lord; that the window of peace would remain for as along as possible.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
What was really wonderful about the trip was to be able to spend time with several friends that I have known for a long time. While I was in Lebanon last time I developed a friendship with a family, specifically a brother and sister - Henri and Janet and we were able to reconnect. I was also able to spend time with some old family friends - Paul and Anges Sanders; Paul directs the seminary. They are doing well and continuing to proclaim the gospel. A friend of mine from World Vision, Melanie Scherf was also able to join me. We were able to see many of the sites and were able to spend a day visiting some World Vision projects.
Here are a couple last pictures of the Mediterranean.
Please be in prayer for the Christians in Lebanon as they face many struggles. Lebanon is one of the last Christian strong holds in the Middle East. Many have fled because of the flighting and the country has become more and more Islamic. Please pray that the gospel will be preached throughout this region.
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Football Match
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
“Be still, and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10
Bear patiently the cross of grief or pain.
Leave to thy God to order and provide;
In every change, He faithful will remain.
Be still, my soul - thy best, thy heavenly Friend
Through thorny ways leads to a joyful end.
To guide the future, as He has the past.
Thy hope, thy confidence let nothing shake;
All now mysterious shall be bright at last.
His voice who ruled them while He dwelt below.
Be still, my soul - the hour is hastening on
When we shall be forever with the Lord.
When disappointment, grief and fear are gone,
Sorrow forgot, love’s purest joys restored.
All safe and blessèd we shall meet at last.
"Be still my soul" - Katharina A. von Schlegel, 1752
Sunday, May 20, 2007
may I rise, my Lord
"Out Of The Wreck I Rise"
“Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?” |
God does not keep a man immune from trouble; He says - "I will be with him in trouble." It does not matter what actual troubles in the most extreme form get hold of a man's life, not one of them can separate him from his relationship to God. We are "more than conquerors in all these things." Paul is not talking of imaginary things, but of things that are desperately actual; and he says we are super-victors in the midst of them, not by our ingenuity, or by our courage, or by anything other than the fact that not one of them affects our relationship to God in Jesus Christ. Rightly or wrongly, we are where we are, exactly in the condition we are in. I am sorry for the Christian who has not something in his circumstances he wishes was not there.
"Shall tribulation…?" Tribulation is never a noble thing; but let tribulation be what it may - exhausting, galling, fatiguing, it is not able to separate us from the love of God. Never let cares or tribulations separate you from the fact that God loves you.
"Shall anguish…?" - can God's love hold when everything says that His love is a lie, and that there is no such thing as justice?
"Shall famine…?" - can we not only believe in the love of God but be more than conquerors, even while we are being starved?
Either Jesus Christ is a deceiver and Paul is deluded, or some extraordinary thing happens to a man who holds on to the love of God when the odds are all against God's character. Logic is silenced in the face of every one of these things. Only one thing can account for it - the love of God in Christ Jesus. "Out of the wreck I rise" every time.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Most people believe there will be war again before the vote in 2011. This is the vote on whether the south should become its own country apart from the north. The main issues here though is not religious but centers around power, money, and resources (oil). However, as Christian's we know this is a spiritual battle.
Please pray for peace here.
Pray that many would come to know Christ during this window of peace.
And pray that the Christians here would be strengthened as they endure many hardships.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Sunday, May 6, 2007
As you eat today remember....
Saturday, May 5, 2007
A few photos
One of the people I have started working with a lot is Simon.
Another person I have been working with a lot is Amon.
Here are a few more photos of the compound:
Well, until next time -
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Prison Break - Take 2
Well, some days are better then others!
After writing my last blog entry on Tuesday, I was so happy that I would not have to be revisiting the traffic police any time soon. But as it would happen, Wednesday morning I received a call from one of our sites that he (Kevin, a missionary kid from
For Kevin, the reason they said they were having him stay at under protection was because of the way things work around here and because of some very difficult circumstances. First, it turned out that the person hit on the bike was just coming from his brother’s funeral. His brother, if you can believe this, was killed three days earlier on the same corner while driving a motorcycle. When this happened the people of the village burned the vehicle that hit the motorcycle and threatened to kill the driver – praise the Lord this did not happen to Kevin. The second reason for the protection was that the driver was part of the Sudan Peoples Liberation Army (SPLA). They have also been known to take revenge when one of their own is hurt.
So, in the morning I first worked for Kevin’s release. The family insisted that the injured go to
Some prayer requests around all of this.
We have serious vehicle issues. Many of our vehicles are broken down, our mechanic has malaria and one car is still in police custody. Please pray that our vehicles are protected and can be repaired quickly. Please pray that these two cases are resolved quickly and the injured are healed; neither one will be finished until the injured are better - in Kevin’s case this could take a while. It definitely feels like we are in a spiritual battle over here.
I am thankful that both Kevin and Oliver are safe and back here with us. These were some long days but the Lord has been faithful and we will keep moving forward.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Prison Break
Have you ever seriously considered breaking someone out of prison? Have you ever seen injustice right in front of you but been helpless?
Well these have been my thoughts the last few days. As I posted last time, one of our staff, Oliver, was in a car accident. He lost control over a rough spot and put it on its side. Traveling with him was a woman and her baby. Neither Oliver, nor the baby were injured but the woman sustained a head wound and was taken to the hospital, while Oliver was taken to prison though he shouldn’t have been. It is a little hard to describe how it works here but if you are in a car accident the driver goes to prison until any injured are released from the hospital or it can go to court. However, that is only if someone is hit or there is another car involved, not with one vehicle. So we were all confused in this case as Oliver was taken but no one outside the car was hurt, it was simply an accident in an Samaritan's Purse vehicle.
So he was taken Saturday night, and we were told to come back in the morning to get him out. Now, this is not a nice jail cell, it is very crowded, no light, no bathroom (you use the corner of the cell) – sort of what you might imagine over here. So on Sunday several of our staff went to help get him. However, they met one road block after another and were told to come back on Monday. On Monday, this happened again and they were told to come back Tuesday. Monday night we went to take him food and found that they had moved him to the prison (as oppose to the jail). The prison was actually a little nicer because during the day they could go outside but it closes at 5pm. At any rate, the police had told us that if the family of the injured agreed for Oliver to be released he could be. However, one of the issues was the husband, the woman was married but the husband had not paid the full dowry (usually many cows over here) so she was not officially his wife, therefore only the father of the girl could say whether it was okay to release Oliver.
Tuesday, we went to get the father from the bush (deep off the main road). This took several hours, then it was off to the police station to get Oliver released. We were a little concerned how the family might react but the father in particular was very understanding and really wanted to see Oliver go free. From about 12 until 6:30, this is where I was with a few of our staff. How to describe what took place…mostly it was a lot of waiting around, getting this signature, meeting this guy or that guy, or going to someone’s house to get him to sign and then more waiting, Just when we thought we were close, they told us they needed the husband now, luckily he was at the hospital not far away. By this time it was about 4:45 – why do I know this? Well we were also told that the prison closes at 5pm and will not open. It seemed as if they wanted to harass us all day and not let him out just to spite us. One of the guys slowly, painfully slow took a signed piece of paper at 4:58 to this other guy who we thought was the end. Well, 5pm came and went – we feared we had lost the battle but we were not going to leave without a fight. So we kept on, working the system trying to find the right people. There were many times during the day when I wanted to ring someone’s neck but this probably would not have been a good move on my part. Well to end this story, they did reopen the prison and we did get Oliver out at around 6:30. Wow, was he happy to get out. He thought he was in for another night. Tomorrow we will roast a goat for him. Our vehicle will stay with the police until the woman recovers but she is expected to be fine.
Thank you for those who prayed. It is only by His grace and mercy that we had victory today. You never know what tomorrow may bring, hunger, prison, death – enjoy today while you can, live today, love today. Let your light shine in the darkness that those around you may see the hope you have found in our risen Lord.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Home sweet Home
Some prayer requests:
- Today, one of our staff (Oliver) was in a car accident. He is fine but there are a lot of complications with it, pray for a quick resolution.
- As I start my new role for wisdom and direction as we work toward excellence and stewardship
- In this role, I am in need of a computer (going with a Mac this time) , prayer for the funds and someone willing to bring it
- Prayer for my relationships with the staff, that I may be a blessing to them
- Prayer that the hearts of the Sudanese people would be broken for Christ, that the churches we are building would be used to bring hope throughout this part of the world.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Anyway, things are going fine over here. I am still in Yei for a while as we sort things out for where I should be. It has rained several times over here, which is nice and helps to cool the air.
Anyway, things are going fine over here. I am still in Yei for a while as we sort things out for where I should be. It has rained several times over here, which is nice and helps to cool the air. We are currently working on about 10 churches in this area, 3 up in Tonj, 4 around Lui, and about 7 just about an hour from here, and there is a whole other operation up in the Nuba mountains. This year the goal for the whole program is around 100 churches. At any rate it is a lot of coordination as we try and get supplies to all these sites. A lot of our supplies come up through Uganda and we stage them here in Yei . Well I am beat so that is all for tonight.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Thiet Church
By the morning, the fighting had subsided and SPLA medics came and took Joseph to a hospital in Kenya. When a doctor finally examined him, he found that Joseph had shrapnel lodged in his legs, hands, stomach and neck. Some of his teeth were even broken. After a few days, Joseph asked one of the nurses about his comrades in the tank and was told that they had all been killed.
Four years later, Joseph followed through on that commitment and was ordained as a deacon for the ECS. In 1999, he became the pastor in Thiet, where he has served faithfully to this day.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Shake and Bake
A few things to note about this truck, first the radio does not work (luckily I have some little speakers for my ipod), second the gas tank leaks (we had to stop every 100 miles and refill the tank by hand – more diesel in my clothing), third it is that it is a right hand drive (Afghanistan prepared me well for this), fourth is that this vehicle was not made for these roads and really does not do well (there are some huge potholes out there) - hence the shake, and fifth is the fact that there is no a/c (poor poor phil – I am making fun of myself here) and here is the bake. But this also means having the window open and getting a nice layer of dirt all over.
So off we go, 386 miles in 15 hours. At one point we had traveled for 2 hours and I realized we had only gone 30 miles! Actually the trip went fine, we traveled through Mango tree forests, swamps, land mine fields (the road was clear but you definitely didn’t want to use the shoulder), vehicles the LRA had attacked and burned, and some crazy bridges. One bridge in particular was a real challenge. We arrived to find that there was a 6x5 hole on one end and there was no way around it. It was about a 20 foot drop, and would not be pretty if we didn’t make it but there was only one road and we had to go. So we said a quick prayer and started finding logs to lay across. Apparently this has been this way for about 2 weeks but hadn’t been repaired yet. Well we made it across fine but I have to say I was a bit worried as I drove across.
I had already driven 12 hours and an hour past dark, as we are not suppose to drive at night, so we found a nice little rest stop (it was a stop anyway) about 3 hours outside of Yei for the night and relaxed a little. At any rate we got in around 10 this morning with no real difficulties. It was great to spend sometime with Emmanuel and learn his story which I hope to tell in a future blog. Here are the two of us:
Upon arriving in Yei, I came to find out that I was going to need to stay here for a few weeks. One guy is headed up to another site and so they need someone here to help run the base. So…I am hoping to have my clothes sent down (as I only brought an extra shirt) on the next flight but I am glad to help where I can. The rains have started here and we might even get some tonight. I desperately need a shower (pun intended).
Well that is all for now –